
Archive for December, 2012


After a 2 year hiatus I am back! I decided it was time to resurrect this blog and get down my family stories again! It has been amazing reading back through some of the old posts. There have been a few changes in our wee family, not the least that we are now a family of 5! Yes we had a 3rd baby and it was another boy! So I am still a woman and her boys. Luca Benjamin was born Sept 22nd 2011. He was our surprise and continues to surprise us! He is a real blessing and puts asmile on all our faces (except in the middle of the night, lol)


Tobyn is now at high school and doing very well. He has grown into a very loyal, caring young man. He still loves dance and hopes to make a career out of it. Reading and computer stuff are also high on his list of loves. Cleaning his room is definitely not a priority.

Isaac started school at the beginning of 2011. He settled very well, had an amazing 1st teacher and thrived. He is a popular wee boy, especially with the girls! There have been many ‘girlfriends’. He is going to be a heartbreaker 😦 This year he Dad has become the favourite. I asked him why he said ‘because he spoils me’ oh dear. I think it is more because Mummy is so busy with Luca that Dad does a lot more with him now. They go out to the skate park, ride bikes and go to the park and the library all things Isaac loves.

Steve has been my rock over the past year! When we found out I was pregnant, on valentines day, we were very scared! After my history we were not sure we wanted to go through with it all. It was definitely a very scary 8 months. Every milestone was celebrated but anticipated with fear. Steve took on a huge amount! He worked very hard gaining an excellence rating at work. He coached Tobyn’s hockey team plus the rep team again and he also played hockey! He looked after all of us. I spent a lot of time resting to ensure everything went well and so Steve did a lot around the place. Last but not least he trained as a Zumba instructor to take over my classes when i couldn’t teach anymore. He loves it and now I am having trouble getting my classes back off him lol.

Me…very tired! Last year was hard but very rewarding in the end. At the beginning of 2011 I was excited about what the year was going to bring for my health. I had lost 20 kgs and was looking forward to losing the last 15kgs to get to my goal. THEN the big surprise, so instead of losing 15kgs I gained a whole lot more! I was very frustrated and still am, it is hard to get back to where I was while still feeding Luca. I instructed Gold Zumba classes right up until the week before Luca was born. Gold is Zumba for the active older adult, the absolute beginner and those with physical limitations. I was very prooud of myself for that achievement. My participants have been so supportive! I went beck to instructing Gold 6 weeks after Luca was born and regular in March this year. It has been challenging running my own business but after 2 years we are still going. The ‘hype’ of Zumba seems to have waned but there are still enough people loving it to keep going plus it is great for our fitness!!!

Well I want to make this a brief so I will end there and hope to be back resonably regularly to have a record of the next little while with the 3 boys growing so fast!

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