
Archive for October, 2008

Long time no post

Almost a month and no posts, far out, have ya’ll missed me? LOL. No need to answer that!

That must mean we have been pretty busy! And that we have. The 2 boys and I have been to Taupo and Auckland, I have been busy with stampin’up! and it is going way better than I anticipated, my Mum is visiting now, Steve is away for 3 weeks, Isaac has turned 3, Tobyn has new glasses, I have new glasses and a new haircut and life still goes on. So the easiest way for me to get everyone up to date is through a photo story so here goes. And in no particular order, in otherwords, it will be the first photos I find.

So first up is a photo of Tobyn and Isaac at Auckland zoo with their cousin Olivia. Tobyn has a real affinity with Olivia and loves to help look after her. He loves babies and very young children, I think so he can ‘control’ them. Isaac doesn’t let him control him anymore! We had a great day at the zoo, it was fine and we had a full day. Tobyn’s favourite as always…the meercats, Isaac’s favourite surprised me a little…the hippo’s.

While in Auckland we caught up with some very special people! We saw Kaila, Sophia, Vivi and Gabriel. It was like we had just seen them last week, so nice to have friends that you just pick up where you left off. We all can’t wait to celebrate thanksgiving in Nov in Taupo with them.  Isaac and Vivi had a lot of fun hiding in the cupboard, Tobyn and Sophia made a fantastic car out of a box. I don’t have a photo of that but Kaila does so I will need to get that off her. We also caught up with my friend Phillipa. She kindly offered beds at her place and we took her up on the offer. We were staying in Hobsonville, Steve’s sister and family live in Whenuapai and we rented an airforce house. My friend lives in Drury, so for those in the North you will know the distance, for others it meant a drive of about 45mins. Anyway, it was wonderful to catch up with Phillipa and talk about small business, she has a beading, jewellery making business with a friend. She gave me a few hints and tips, thank you! Tobyn saw the beads on the table and his eyes just about popped out of his head, he couldn’t wait to get his hands on them and make a necklace. And he made an awesome one…again no photo though, LOL.

We also caught up with Isaacs god parents, Tom and Eleanor. They live on the viaduct, so we caught the ferry from Hobsonville to the city and went to the sky tower where that had a k’nex activity. The boys loved getting there free packet of k’nex to make a helicopter! We then had a lovely lunch and wandered up to their apartment and the boys enjoyed seeing their puppy scout again. The very exciting news for them, they are expecting a baby in April.

It was great to be in Auckland and I look forward to going again with Steve. So much to see and do, and I even thought maybe I COULD live there afterall. I have always been one of the “I would NEVER live in Auckland” people. But at the moment I would live ANYWHERE bigger than here, I am sick of small town New Zealand. Even Tobyn said if he could take all his friends he would like to live somewhere bigger than here. But on the other hand, we love our house and lifestyle here and wouldn’t be able to have the same in Auckland. And also, we would have to go where ever Steve could get a job.

We came home from our holiday earlier than planned. We all missed Steve and home! Also it was difficult parenting my boys without Steve but around his family. I always feel inferior and as if I am not doing a good enough job, AND that my boys are not well enough behaved or as good as the other grandchildren, but especially Olivia. Olivia is deffinately the most favoured grand child right now! I had to pull up Ann from comparing my boys with their 16 month old cousins eatting! Olivia is gorgeous and a very good baby, but I don’t need my boys compared to her. So I decided to go home earlier.

Right other things.

I meant to put this on here AGES ago! In the June holidays I had my friends daughter and a friend come around for a day of scrapping and one of things we made were handbag notebooks…aren’t cute. The greeny one is mine.

Just a random photo – my baby with his blankie. Isaac has always snuggled with blankie and floppy bunny! He can do with out floppy but not blankie. I have 3 blankies but the white one is his absolute must have, To begin with I had 2 blankies and they were velour ones. I thought I needed another one so I could have a rotation going, but unfortunately the new non velour one has become the MUST have. So it has to be washed and dried the same day so he can have it for his day time sleep!

Look what’s been in our back garden recently…a digger and workmen. Finally we have retaining walls! The walls are complete but the garden and lawn areas are not quite ready, this rain HAS to stop so we can get everything finished.

Isaac loved the digger. Isaac came inside one afternoon and said “Mummy I am dirty” I asked how he got so dirty and he said “I have been on the digger” oops, should have watched more closely. Of course bed time stories had to include “The Little Yellow Digger” for a couple of weeks.

Tobyn was haapy too because he asked the men if he could have some left over wood. He loves designing and building. A builder or architect in the making I think.

Another one that I meant ot post ages ago. We finally bit the bullet and got Tobyn a new bike. He LOVES his new geared bike. And I think he is looking forward to the tri athlon season next year, he should do pretty well in the run and cycle section.

I just love this photo of Tobyn at Auckland Zoo!

I had to got new glasses. Buit not just new glasses, I had to get ‘old people’ lenses! Yes that is what the optomitrist said, I have an old peoples eye problem! I have presbyopia, so now I have to have progressive lenses. Apparently it starts earlier for people who are shortsited, it doesn’t usually become a problem until your 60’s. She also checked for glaucoma and at the end of the appointment she said I hope I didn’t make you feel too old, GRR!!! Yes she did!!! Next time I will ask for a specific optician!

So as I said earlier Tobyn now has glasses too. I have always thought that he would need them sometime. He needs them for reading and may outgrow them, but for now it is already helping him. He loves them and says he thinks his face looks better with them! Very cute. I will post a photo later, after I download them, LOL.

And last but not least my little guy turned 3 on Wednesday! Yes 3 years ago we were blessed with our little 2lb baby. I was still very sick but we had the a strong little boy who did very well.

Now we have a gorgeous 3 year old who knows his own mind. He is a snuggler and so easily lovable. He charms everyone he meets. He is a bright and inquisitive. He loves Blues Clues and Thomas.  His favourite book is the Thomas Catalogue. He loves being outside and will find the only puddle in a huge field! He is very popular with the girls. He invited Alyssa and Caitlin, Ivy, Courtney, Camden, Finley and Adam to his party.

I made a pawprint cake. I got them to make blues ears and dog tags. They played pass the parcel, blues treasure hunt amd musical cushions. He had an absolute blast!

We gave him a wooden farmyard, Nana gave him a 3 wheel scooter and Grandad and Grandma gave him the echo tunnel to go with the Thomas trains. He LOVES everything! But the scooter is probably the most fave! It has to go EVERYwhere with us.

OK enough for now, I have a few other photos I want to resize and download. There are more from the party and my first stampin’up! projects.

I have my Mum staying with me right now so we are getting a bit of scrap booking donw…well should I say Mum is getting a quite a bit of scrap booking done…my mojo seems to have gone on holiday, LOL.

Sorry to my blog buddies for now being around fo a while, I hope to get back and start posting more and commenting, but I am not going to promise anything. Also bloglines has been a pain as many of you know and some of my favourite blogs didn’t update for ages, and I just didn’t have the time to go searching, but soon. Probably in a couple of weeks after Mum goes and before Steve gets back, I will have a week of evenings to fill.

TTFN, much love and hugs to my real friends and my’imaginary’ friends, which I know really are real!!!

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